8th Progression of Discard 04

Ten equal progressive shots through the focus range of a Digital Camera from 8″ to infinity.

  • Robin Clark
  • 8th Progression of Discard 04
  • 2013
  • Digital Photographs
  • 6.75" x 10" each, 10.75" x 122" overall
  • Context

    These are photographs of masking tape, artist tape, torn envelopes, eraser paper, and eraser tips found on the studio floor after drawing, cutting and taping my “Standard Stop-Draw Restraint” simulacrum to the wall. (See the June 16th post on the homepage for a photo) .
    I’ve noticed in the studio that by products like these can sometimes have a visual appeal. Perhaps because they don’t mean anything or they are not important in any way. They are accidents, residue, aids of manufacture, etc. I wanted to see what I could do with them, so, I photographed them in ten equal increments of focus from 8″ to infinity and they became a subject/ground study. “Discards” was the name of a show at the Cheryl Haines gallery in San Francisco during the mid 1990’s, where artists were asked to hang things that they’d normally overlook, throw away or reject.